Top 20
Top 20 | #21-40 | #41-60 | #61-80 | #81-100
1. 2049 Chinese
The 20K Word Road to Mandarin Proficiency
 Keyuan Zhang
Bernd Sebastian Kamps Steinhäuser Verlag 2024 978-3-910263-41-3

2. Learning English...
...or Spanish, French, Italian, Portuguese, German, Chinese
 Bourcillier + Kamps 35 PDFs + 200 MP3 audio files 2022 35 x 250 pp

3. The AIOLOGY Handbook
Making AI Talk: a Guide to Fluent and Effective Conversations.
Currently, you can access the guide in the following languages: English, Chinese, French, Indonesian, Italian, Spanish.
 2nd edition Bernd Sebastian Kamps 2023 400 pp

4. Hematology 2018
Education Program Book

American Society of Hematology 2018 600 pp

Language Recovery after Stroke | App + PDF
 Kamps - Limoncino - Melis Flying Publisher 2018 278 pp 978-3-942687-20-1

6. Hematology 2017
Education Program Book
 American Society of Hematology 2017 715 pp

7. Ear2Memory 3.0
Really learning languages on your smartphone! PDF + free smartphone app.
 Bernd Sebastian Kamps Flying Publisher 2018 170 pp 978-3-942687-21-8

8. A Textbook of Gynecology for Less-Resourced Locations
 Paula and David Bloomer et al.
Sapiens Publishing Ltd
2012 484 pp 978-0-9552282-8-5

9. Essential Drugs
Practical guidelines intended for physicians, pharmacists, nurses and medical auxiliaries
 3rd edition Médecins sans Frontières 2010 344 pp

10. Ultrasound Imaging
Hardware implementation, transducer, beamforming, signal processing, measurement of elasticity and diagnosis
 Masayuki Tanabe (Editor) InTech 2011 210 pp 978-953-307-239-5

11. Cardiology Explained
 Ashley and Niebauer Remedica 2003 243 pp 9781901346220

12. Immunology and Evolution of Infectious Disease
 Steven A. Frank Princeton University Press 2002 359 pp 9780691095950

13. Drug Class Reviews
Drug Effectiveness Review Project
14. Surgical Treatment
Evidence Based and Problem-Oriented
 Holzheimer, Rene G.; Mannick, John A. (Editors) W. Zuckschwerdt Verlag GmbH 2001 868 pp 0 7216 7443 7

15. Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy
 19th edition Robert S. Porter, Justin L. Kaplan, (Editors) Merck Sharp & Dohme Corp. 2011 3754 pp

16. Free Medical Journals
17. The Word Brain
A Short Guide to Fast Language Learning - PDF + MP3 Audio Book
 2nd edition Bernd Sebastian Kamps et al. Flying Publisher 2015 81 pp 978-3-924774-68-4

18. Anatomy at a Glance
 Omar Faiz, David Moffat Blackwell Science 2002 176 pp 1405133481

19. Critical Care in Neurology
 Kitchener, Hashem, Wahba, Khalaf, Zarif, Mansoor Flying Publisher 2012 118 pp 978-3-942687-07-2

20. Emergency Medicine
Medscape Reference
Jonathan Adler et al. WebMD 2011
